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Asia-Pacific Broadcasting+ Awards

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Recognising Innovation and Excellence in the Broadcasting Industry


The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Awards

The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting+ Awards is an exciting event that brings the spotlight on brilliance in the broadcasting industry. The programme seeks to recognise innovation and excellence in projects that advance the field of broadcasting in the areas of technology, digitalization, and engineering.

Nomination is open to all broadcast companies in the Asia Pacific region. Nominate your most outstanding projects and innovative initiatives now for a chance to showcase your expertise and gain recognition for your achievements behind the camera.

Reach out to us to learn about the nomination process and how to secure your passes to the event on 8 June 2023 in Singapore. Submission of entries and event passes are free of charge.



Showcase your expertise and stand out in the highly competitive broadcasting industry.


Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity to celebrate your achievements in broadcasting.


Connect with industry peers, establish relationships, and meet the other winners at the awards dinner on 30 May 2024 in Singapore.



1. Nomination is free of charge. If you win, you will receive complimentary passes at the award ceremony in Singapore and receive a prestigious trophy. 

2. Each company may submit a maximum of three (3) entries.

3. The judges will select the best projects and initiatives that advance the field of broadcasting. Thus, there can be multiple winners recognised in each division on a country-level basis.

4. Should you win and would like additional entitlements to promote your win such as licensed use of the awards logo, you may book them at a cost.


All broadcasting companies in the Asia Pacific region are encouraged to submit nominations for their most outstanding projects and innovative production initiatives. The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • The project or initiative must be launched in the last 24 calendar months in part or full.
  • Projects or initiatives launched more than 24 calendar months ago will be eligible if upgrades or improvements were recently implemented.


The awards will be given on a country-level basis. There will be winners to recognise innovation and excellence in each of the following divisions:

  • Terrestrial Broadcasting
  • Radio Broadcasting
  • Cable & Satellite Broadcasting
  • Streaming
  • Podcasting


The judges will select the best projects and initiatives that advance the field of broadcasting. They will be guided by the following criteria:

  • Uniqueness - Did the project/initiative have innovative, original, and creative aspects to it?
  • Innovation - Did the project/initiative demonstrate technical innovation or creative use of technology?
  • Impact - Did the project/initiative make a significant impact on the audience, the industry, or society as a whole?


  1. Go to the online nomination form and read the nomination guidelines.
  2. Fill in the required details about the company and contact person for the nomination.
  3. Select your division.
  4. Provide your project name, 500-word write-up, client feedback (if any), key achievements, and project photos.
  5. Wait for the nomination confirmation email and acknowledge it once received.

- Companies may submit up to three (3) different entries.
- Photos and supporting documents are optional but will highly increase the chances of winning.
- Nomination is free of charge.


Deadline for submission of entries: 19 May 2023
Awards ceremony: 8 June 2023, Singapore

Past Winners

For inquiries, contact:

For more details, contact:

Jane Patiag

+65 3158 1386 ext 217

[email protected]


What are the key dates?

Deadline for submission of entries: 19 May 2023
Awards ceremony: 8 June 2023 in Singapore

Is the nomination open to companies based outside Asia Pacific?

Yes, nomination is also open to companies that are not based in the Asia Pacific region. They are eligible to participate in the event as long as they have a presence in the Asia Pacific.

Can vendors/manufacturers also join the awards?

Yes, vendors and manufacturers may also join the awards programme. What they need to do is submit a project, initiative, product, or solution they have done for a specific broadcasting company or media network. The entry must be submitted under the name of the broadcasting company or media network. The vendor will be recognised as the one who powered the project/initiative.

What can we nominate?

The awards programme is on the lookout for excellent projects, initiatives, and achievements of the most outstanding broadcasting companies in Asia Pacific.

The project or initiative must be launched in the last 24 calendar months in part or full. Projects or initiatives launched more than 24 calendar months ago will be eligible if upgrades or improvements were recently implemented.

What are the categories and where should we enter?

The awards will be given on a country-level basis. There will be winners to recognise innovation and excellence in each of the following divisions:

  • Terrestrial Broadcasting
  • Radio Broadcasting
  • Cable & Satellite Broadcasting
  • Streaming
  • Podcasting

How do we submit an entry?

All you have to do is prepare a 500-word write-up about the project or initiative you are nominating. Once ready, fill out the online nomination form and you're done.

Can we submit multiple entries?

Yes, you may submit up to three (3) different entries.

Is there a cost involved?

Nomination is free of charge. If you win, you will receive complimentary passes to attend the award ceremony in Singapore and receive a prestigious trophy.

Who are the past winners?

This is the inaugural year of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting+ Awards so if you join and win, you will make a mark as one of the pioneering winners. You will gain exposure in the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting+, a trusted source of information for the broadcast and multimedia industry in the Asia-Pacific since 1983.