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Swiss Re: Asia’s insurance players target health industry in 2024

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The Malaysia Management Excellence Awards is now accepting nominations. 

The programme will honor the country's most outstanding leaders, innovators and teams whose initiatives have brought tangible business gains for the success of their companies.

It will also highlight Employee Engagements, Health & Wellness, Diversity and Inclusion and CSR Initiatives that have had a beneficial impact on your workforce or customers.

Here's our trailblazing winners from last year:


It will also highlight Employee Engagements, Health & Wellness, Diversity and Inclusion and CSR Initiatives that have had a beneficial impact on your workforce or customers.

Here's our trailblazing winners from last year:

Awards Presentation Day:
Jul 08, 2024

Watch our trailer for

Malaysia Management Excellence Award

In the same forum, David Loosley, secretary general and CEO of The Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), underscored the need for shippers to focus on “certainties” amidst the “many unknowns” and do things that can make a difference right now like optimising one’s fleet.

Past Winners

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