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The Asian Experience Awards

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Pengakuan terhadap The Most Outstanding Experience Initiatives di Asia


Asian Experience Awards

The Asian Experience Awards merupakan pengakuan atas inisiatif terbaik perusahaan/organisasi yang kreatif serta inovatif dalam menghantarkan pengalaman brand mereka yang penuh makna (meaningful) kepada para stakeholder

Nominasi dibuka bagi perusahaan/organisasi di seluruh industri di Asia. Jika perusahaan/organisasi Anda memiliki inisiatif yang unik, menonjol atau inovatif dalam memberikan pengalaman kepada klien, pelanggan potensial atau karyawan Anda, maka nominasikan sekarang!

Kategori Penghargaan:

  • Brand Experience of the Year
  • Customer Experience of the Year
  • Digital Experience of the Year
  • Distribution Experience of the Year
  • Employee Experience of the Year
  • Partner Experience of the Year
  • Sales Experience of the Year
  • Product Experience of the Year
  • Service Experience of the Year
  • User Experience of the Year

Dibawah ini video cuplikan tentang Asian Experience Awards

Indonesian - Asian Experience Awards Testimonials

On behalf of my colleagues on Allianz PNB Life, I’d like to thank everyone at the Asian Business Review for the honor of...

Gino Riola Allianz PNB Life, Chief Marketing Officer

We at SAP CX are very humbled by the recognition by the Asian Business Review. Thank you to the team because none of thi...

Peggy Renders GM & SVP, SAP Customer Experience APJ

On behalf of Progresif, thank you to the Asian Experience Awards 2021 for recognizing Progresif. It is a big milestone f...

Mohammad Yazdi Yahya Chief HR and Administration Officer (CHRAO), Progresif Sendirian Berhad

It is a good honor to be here representing TDCX to accept this award. Despite all the challenges we have encountered thi...

Lim Chee Gay Group Chief Human Resource Officer, TDCX

UOB is very committed to growing our own timber and we believe strongly in continuous learning. Winning this award is a ...

Benny Chan Head of Channels, Group Channels & Digitalisation, United Overseas Bank

This award goes to both the Infosys team and Tennis Australia. The past 18 months has been challenging for many organiza...

Wilhelmina Duyvestyn AVP Marketing & PR, Infosys Australia & New Zealand

I first want to thank the Asian Experience Awards team for recognising the Align Technology. It’s a wonderful testi...

Raj Pudipeddi Chief Product and Marketing Officer, SVP and Managing Director, Asia Pacific, Align Technology

This is a big honour for us. We are very, very encouraged by the award which recognises the service quality of our front...

Donald Tan Chief Executive Officer, China Telecom Global

It is such an honour. It is great to be recognised for continuing digital innovation. ...

Tanya Godbeer Head of Partnerships, DirectAsia Insurance Singapore

This award will give Paybooc even greater momentum to enable it to drive payment experience around the world.  ...

Kiyoon Sung Executive Manager of Paybooc Department, BC Card

We are very humbled and honored by this award. Winning an Asian Experience Award will continue driving us to study, anal...

Ferry Kusnowo Executive Director, Lazada Indonesia

It’s very heartening for us to win awards for both SNACK and TRIBE in this inaugural Asian Experience Awards and it’s re...

Goh Ze Hui Business Lead & Launcher, NTUC Income

It’s such an inspiration. We are truly grateful for the recognition you have given us. These awards are really a testame...

Peter Faulhaber Head of Wealth and Personal Banking, HSBC

We are honoured to have won this industry award. This recognition is a testament to us being at the forefront of providi...

Cheong Min Ming Head of Retail Digital, UOB Malaysia

For my team, this award is evidence of their resilience and hard work through the years of continuous improvements. This...

Jerome Lo Wai Learning Technologies & Digital Media, Centre for IT Services, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

It is an honour to be recognised as the Malaysian Banking Digital Experience of the Year given that digital solutions ar...

Chew Siew Khing Head, Accounts, Payables & Receivables, OCBC Malaysia

To us, it validates the work we’ve been doing to try to bring people into the forefront of our innovation and delivery o...

Veejay Madhavan Chief Executive Officer, Prudential Laos

We are really, really, honoured to be recognised for Singapore Employee Experience of the Year in the Business Services ...

Chua Sing Ling Vice President and Head, Singapore Market, Group Human Resources, Certis

Thank you Asian Business Review for the recognition. We are delighted to be recognised for our continuous drive to make ...

Christine Ng Head of New Business & Underwriting, Singlife with Aviva

It is our pleasure to be able to attain this award. It is a huge compliment for the team. This award recognises our...

Merlyn Tsai Head of Consumer Banking, Digital and Customer Experience, CIMB Bank Berhad, Singapore Branch

We are humbled and honoured to receive this award. There are many players, other companies, in this space which all stri...

Alvin Neo Chief Customer and Marketing Officer, NTUC FairPrice

Thank you Asian Business Review for awarding the award to Chubb Life Vietnam. I, myself, feel proud to be the winner of ...

Nguyen Hong Son Country President, Chubb Life Vietnam

Thank you to you, the Asian Business Review, and the panel of judges for recognising the innovation of Yanolja Cloud. We...

David Peller Executive Vice President, Yanolja Cloud Pte. Ltd.

It’s an honour to receive this award in behalf of the team and to be recognised for our contribution in the insurance in...

Ron Wee Growth Hacker, Income Insurance Limited

On behalf of OCBC bank, we’d like to thank everyone at the Asian Experience Awards for the honour. Indeed it is a huge r...

Wong Chuu Haw (Keith) Vice President, Head of Group Digital Office, OCBC Bank

On behalf of the Krungsri employees, first of all, we are very proud to receive the Asian Experience Award in 2022 for t...

Congcin Congcar Head of Krungsri Auto Group

Thank you to the panel of judges for awarding Talk2 Solutions for Cambodia Service Experience of the Year 2022. It reall...

Kok Khin Mao Board Director and Chief Executive Officer, Talk2 Solutions Co., Ltd

I would like to Asian Experience Awards which let us show this great event in China to the whole Asia and whole world ...

Silvia Lu Marketing Manager, Greater China, Brown-Forman China

I am truly honoured to be recognised by the Asian Business Review for the Customer Experience of the Year award and I wo...

Dr. Chalee Asavathiratham Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Digital Banking Officer, Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited

It is an honour to accept these awards on behalf of J&T Express. J&T Express started from humble beginnings in M...

Alice Yeung Sales and Marketing Director, J&T Express Singapore

I’m very much honoured to represent our company. On behalf of everyone in Allianz PNB, thank you for the honour for bein...

Kathy Oliva Head of Human Resources, Allianz PNB Life Insurance, Inc.

We’re extremely grateful and on behalf of our colleagues here in Zurich Malaysia, we’re extremely grateful for this reco...

Junior Cho Country Head, Zurich Malaysia

It is a great pleasure to accept the award on behalf of UOB. It is a true testament of our commitment to provide the bes...

Mohamad Fazli Bin Mohamad Sarujee Country Head, Technology & Operations, United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd

It's an honor to be accepting this award on behalf of my colleagues here at Western Digital. I wanna thank the Asian Bus...

Christian Ramirez Sr. Director, APAC Firmware Engineering, Western Digital Tech and Regional

On behalf of KBTG, we are very honored and we are very glad to receive this award. I think we are working very hard and ...

Ruangroj Poonpol Group Chairman, KASIKORN Business-Technology Group

On behalf of AstraZeneca Indonesia, we are really honored to get an award. This is not only for us, AstraZeneca Indonesi...

Sewhan Chon Country President, PT. AstraZeneca Indonesia

On behalf of Vista Land and the whole Villar Group, it is a great pleasure to receive this recognition from the Asia Exp...

Brian Edang Chief Financial Officer & Head, Investor Relations, Vista Land

On behalf of my management team, colleagues, and staff in Petronas, we would like to thank everyone in Asian Business Re...

Mazri Mohd Ali Head of Operational Excellence, Center of Excellence, PETRONAS Carigali

We are very glad to be on the spot, we are super happy to be here after this prestigious win in the Asian Business Revie...

Philip Joseph Senior Vice President Customer Experience & Service Operation, Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (IM3 Brand)

Thank you, Asian Business Review, for this recognition and award. I am honored to receive this award on behalf of Avis M...

Mohd Syahrul Bin Yusuf Chief Operating Officer, AVIS Malaysia

We, at HSBC Philippines, would like to thank the Asian Experience Awards for awarding us two awards this year- the Phili...

Peter Faulhaber Head of Wealth and Personal Banking, HSBC Philippines

I have to say that this really is a pleasure for us. It is our second time to win this award. Thanks for giving us this ...

Merlyn Tsai Head of Consumer Banking & Digital, CIMB Bank Berhad, Singapore Branch

Globe Telecom is very happy to accept this award. This award is not just for the Employee Experience team, this is for t...

Mark Dimaisip Employee Experience Head, Globe Telecom

We are thrilled to know that we, the FrieslandCampina Vietnam, has won the award- Customer Experience of the Year. Thank...

Truong Huynh Diem Chi Specialized Nutrition Director, FrieslandCampina Vietnam

Tonton video dari pemenang sebelumnya

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Chubb Life Vietnam

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Yanolja Cloud Pte. Ltd.

Asian Experience Awards 2022: Income Insurance Limited

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: OCBC Bank

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Krungsri Auto (GO application by Krungsri Auto)

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Talk2 Solutions Co., Ltd

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Brown-Forman China

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: J&T Express Singapore

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Allianz PNB Life Insurance, Inc.

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Zurich Malaysia

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Western Digital Tech and Regional Center (M) Sdn Bhd

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: KASIKORN Business-Technology Group

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: PT. AstraZeneca Indonesia

Alasan kenapa Anda perlu mengikuti

Bagikan kisah sukses Anda

Berbincang tentang winning project Anda dalam sebuah wawancara yang dapat Anda bagikan kepada klien, pelanggan dan rekan Anda sehingga mereka mengetahui bahwa Anda adalah perusahaan pemenang penghargaan.

Jangkau klien Anda

Jangkau potensial klien Anda saat inisiatif Anda dikenal dan diakui di Asia.

Tampil di media

Raih kesempatan untuk tampil di majalah definitif untuk para elit bisnis di Asia yaitu Asian Business Review. Dengan sirkulasi triwulanan 24.737 eksemplar yang menjangkau 98.948 pembaca dan lebih dari 245.038 pengguna aktif bulanan pada situs web kami. Dengan begitu, Anda akan menjangkau para pembuat keputusan tingkat elit di Asia.

Berikut para Juri kami

Guillaume Sachet

Guillaume Sachet

Partner, Head, Customer Practice

Roger Loo

Roger Loo

Executive Director, Head of Management Consulting Services
BDO Singapore

Loretta Fong

Loretta Fong

Partner, Entrepreneurial Group of the Assurance Division
PwC Hong Kong



  • Nominasi dibuka untuk perusahaan/organisasi yang berkantor di wilayah Asia.

  • Pendaftaran nominasi akan diperiksa oleh para juri berdasarkan kelengkapan pengisian formulir dan dokumen pendukung.

  • Pendaftaran nominasi gratis atau tidak dikenakan biaya. Jika perusahaan Anda berhasil menjadi pemenang, Anda wajib melanjutkan pemesanan opsi paket pemenang pilihan Anda.


Program penghargaan ini mencari inisiatif dalam menghadirkan pengalaman yang luar biasa dari sebuah project, produk, layanan, strategi, campaign, atau studi kasus yang memenuhi persyaratan berikut:

-diluncurkan sebagian atau seluruhnya dalam rentang waktu 24 bulan kalender terakhir atau

-diluncurkan sebelum 24 bulan kalender dan memiliki peningkatan atau upgrade terbaru


Penghargaan akan diberikan berdasarkan country-level basis (tingkatan sebuah negara). Akan ada satu pemenang per kategori dan industri yang sesuai untuk setiap negara.  

1.) Pilih Kategori Anda

Brand Experience of the Year

Sebagian konsumen akan bersedia meluangkan waktu untuk memahami tujuan atau pesan dari sebuah brand, namun sebagian konsumen lain hanya akan sekedar melihat-lihat atau membeli secara tiba-tiba. Perbedaan tipe konsumen ini menimbulkan tantangan bagi brand untuk menjalankan strategi yang holistik atau menyeluruh dalam menyebarkan tujuan atau pesan mereka yang menarik bagi konsumen.

Kategori Brand Experience of the Year sedang mencari inisiatif kreatif yang berhasil memengaruhi persepsi klien atau pelanggan potensial tentang sebuah brand melalui sebuah pengalaman yang sederhana atau bahkan melalui sebuah pengalaman yang besar namun bermakna dan menarik.


Customer Experience of the Year

Setiap aspek dalam perjalanan klien atau pelanggan bersama brand dapat memunculkan kesan sekaligus juga dapat menghancurkan kesan tersebut. Hal itu selalu menjadi tujuan dari sebuah bisnis untuk melakukan interaksi yang sangat berdampak kepada persepsi klien atau pelanggan mereka. Khususnya bagaimana mereka dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pelanggan untuk terus datang kembali dan pada akhirnya membentuk hubungan yang langgeng dengan brand mereka.

Kategori Customer Experience of the Year mencari inisiatif luar biasa dan impresif dalam membuat pelanggan puas dan bahagia.


Digital Experience of the Year

Ketika kita berada di era digital saat ini, semakin banyak klien dan pelanggan yang lebih suka berinteraksi dengan perusahaan dan brand secara online. Tantangan bagi bisnis saat ini adalah bagaimana membuat koneksi dengan pengguna melalui perangkat genggam atau mengembangkan solusi canggih seperti aplikasi yang ditujukan untuk para mitra / klien mereka.

Kategori Digital Experience of the Year sedang mencari inisiatif yang inovatif dalam memanfaatkan teknologi untuk memberikan pengalaman terbaik kepada klien dan pelanggan.


Distribution Experience of the Year

Salah satu tantangan yang berulang dalam sebuah siklus bisnis adalah manajemen distribusi. Produk mentah dapat sampai dengan cepat namun dapat rusak sebelum digunakan, atau produk jadi dapat datang terlambat sehingga menyebabkan ulasan yang negatif.

Kategori Distribution Experience of the Year sedang mencari inisiatif terbaik yang bertujuan untuk menemukan distribusi barang yang lancar dan efisien dari pemasok ke produsen grosir/pengecer dan pada akhirnya sampai ke konsumen.


Employee Experience of the Year

Karyawan adalah aset terbesar dalam bisnis. Pengalaman yang mereka temui dan amati sepanjang masa bekerja mereka, memiliki dampak besar pada kesejahteraan dan kinerja mereka untuk perusahaan.

Kategori Employee Experience of the Year sedang mencari inisiatif terbaik yang berhasil memenuhi kebutuhan karyawan, meningkatkan moral bekerja, kesejahteraan, dan membuka peluang untuk peningkatan diri karyawan.


Partner Experience of the Year

Dalam lingkungan bisnis yang kompleks saat ini, hubungan didalam internal organisasi dan antar organisasi yang kuat dapat membuka peluang baru yang berujung pada peningkatan pendapatan. Oleh karena itu penting bagi sebuah bisnis untuk memiliki metodologi yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai kualitas kemitraan mereka.

Kategori Partner Experience of the Year sedang mencari langkah-langkah yang dilakukan bisnis untuk menjaga hubungan yang sehat dan menguntungkan dengan mitra mereka.


Product Experience of the Year

Pengalaman produk mengacu pada pengalaman subjektif yang dimiliki pelanggan saat menggunakan suatu produk, termasuk persepsi, emosi, dan kepuasan mereka secara keseluruhan. Hal tersebut termasuk faktor-faktor seperti kegunaan produk, fungsionalitas, desain, dan performanya. Pengalaman produk yang positif dapat menghasilkan kepuasan pelanggan, pembelian berulang, dan rujukan dari mulut ke mulut yang positif.

Kategori Product Experience of the Year sedang mencari inisiatif luar biasa yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan atau meningkatkan sebuah produk menjadi yang terbaik.


Sales Experience of the Year

Pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan keahlian dalam menjual produk atau jasa, bernegosiasi dengan pelanggan, mengelola hubungan dengan klien, dan mengembangkan strategi penjualan merupakan aset penting bagi kesuksesan sebuah perusahaan.

Kategori Sales Experience of the Year sedang mencari inisiatif luar biasa yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan penjualan dan keahlian yang dirancang untuk mencapai hasil yang lebih baik, meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang produk dari para tenaga penjualan, membangun hubungan yang lebih kuat dengan pelanggan, dan meningkatkan efektivitas penjualan secara keseluruhan.


Service Experience of the Year

Pengalaman layanan merupakan aspek penting dari pengalaman pelanggan, karena hal tersebut sangat dapat mempengaruhi persepsi pelanggan terhadap suatu brand dan cenderung mereka akan terus berbisnis dengan brand tersebut jika mereka mengalami pengalaman yang positif. Pengalaman layanan yang positif dapat berujung pada peningkatan loyalitas pelanggan, mendapat rujukan positif dari mulut ke mulut, dan bisnis yang berulang.

Kategori Service Experience of the Year sedang mencari inisiatif luar biasa yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan atau memberikan nilai tambah pada sebuah layanan.


User Experience of the Year

Bagian dari perjalanan klien atau pelanggan dengan brand adalah menjadi pengguna yang berinteraksi dengan produk, sistem, atau layanan. Dengan demikian, brand dituntut untuk memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam tentang pengguna: apa yang mereka butuhkan, apa yang mereka hargai, seberapa kemampuan mereka, serta seperti apa keterbatasan mereka.

Kategori User Experience of the Year sedang mencari inisiatif terbaik yang berhasil memberikan efisiensi, manfaat, dan kemudahan yang maksimal bagi penggunanya.


2.) Pilih Industri Anda


  • Automotive Services

  • Advertising

  • Aerospace

  • Aerospace & Defense

  • Agriculture

  • Airline

  • Apparel

  • Architecture

  • Automotive & Transport Equipment

  • Banking

  • Broadcasting

  • Brokerage

  • Building Services & Facilities

  • Business Insurance

  • Business Services

  • Cargo Handling

  • Chemicals

  • Commercial Building construction

  • Commercial Real Estate Trust

  • Computer Hardware

  • Computer Services

  • Computer Software

  • Conglomerates

  • Consulting

  • Consumer Products - Durables

  • Consumer Products - Non-Durables

  • Corporate Advisory

  • Data Center

  • Department Stores

  • Dining & Entertainment

  • Diversified Services

  • E-commerce

  • Education

  • Electronic Manufacturing

  • Electronics

  • Energy

  • Engineering

  • Executive Search

  • Financial Services

  • Financial Technology

  • Food & Beverage

  • Food Manufacturing Solutions

  • Food Safety

  • Furniture and Fixture

  • General Insurance

  • Health Products & Services

  • Healthcare

  • Healthcare Technology

  • Heavy Civil Construction

  • Hospitality & Leisure

  • Human Resource Technology

  • Human Resources Consulting

  • Industrial construction

  • Insurance Broker

  • Interior Design

  • Internet/New Media

  • Investment Banking

  • IT Services

  • Life Insurance

  • Legal

  • Logistics

  • Luxury Retail

  • Manufacturing

  • Marine and Offshore Engineering

  • Marine Services

  • Marketing

  • Materials & Construction

  • Media & Entertainment

  • Metals & Mining

  • Motion Picture & Video

  • Music

  • Non-Profit or Government Organizations

  • Oil & Gas

  • Payments

  • Personal Insurance

  • Pharmaceuticals

  • Real Estate

  • Remittance

  • Residential Building Construction

  • Residential Product Manufacturing

  • Retail

  • Shipping

  • Sports

  • Technology

  • Telecommunications

  • Television

  • Training and Development

  • Transportation

  • Utilities

  • Venture Capital

  • Wholesale 


  • Latar Belakang - Apa inspirasi di balik inisiatif ini? Siapa pemangku kepentingan yang relevan dan bagaimana kebutuhan mereka diidentifikasi dan dipahami?
  • Keunikan & Inovasi - Apa keunikan dari inisiatif tersebut? Apa yang membuat hal tersebut kemudian menjadi sesuatu yang kreatif dan inovatif?
  • Efektivitas - Apa tujuan dan target dari inisiatif tersebut? Bagaimana hal tersebut dicapai dan ukuran apa yang digunakan untuk menilai keberhasilannya?
  • Dampak - Apa dampak dari adanya inisiatif tersebut terhadap perusahaan Anda dan apa dampaknya bagi industri?
  • Dinamis - Apakah inisiatif tersebut fleksibel terhadap perubahan dan peluang yang progresif di masa depan?


1. Tuliskan ringkasan dalam 500 kata tentang project/inisiatif yang perusahaan Anda nominasikan. Pastikan ringkasan tersebut mencakup atau menjawab beberapa pertanyaan dibawah ini: Apa inspirasi dibalik project/inisiatif ini? Siapa stakeholder yang relevan dan bagaimana kebutuhan mereka dapat diidentifikasi dan dipahami? Apa keunikan dari inisiatif tersebut? Apa yang membuat hal tersebut kemudian menjadi sesuatu yang kreatif dan inovatif? Apa tujuan dan target dari inisiatif tersebut? Bagaimana hal tersebut dicapai dan ukuran apa yang digunakan untuk menilai keberhasilannya? Apa dampak dari adanya inisiatif tersebut terhadap perusahaan Anda dan apa dampaknya bagi industri? Apakah inisiatif tersebut fleksibel terhadap perubahan dan peluang yang progresif di masa depan?

2. Pergi ke formulir online nominasi dan baca panduan nominasinya.

3. Isi detail informasi tentang perusahaan Anda dan kontak person untuk nominasi.

4. Dari daftar dibawah ini, pilih kategori untuk project yang Anda nominasikan. Anda dapat mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang penjelasan setiap kategori disini.

  • Brand Experience of the Year
  • Customer Experience of the Year
  • Digital Experience of the Year
  • Distribution Experience of the Year
  • Employee Experience of the Year
  • Partner Experience of the Year
  • Product Experience of the Year
  • Sales Experience of the Year
  • Service Experience of the Year
  • User Experience of the Year

5. Ketik judul proyek dan tulisan sebanyak 500 kata. Entri Anda tetap valid jika penulisan melebihi 500 kata, tetapi kami menyarankan maksimal hingga 500 kata saja dan membuat file dokumen dengan detail yang lebih terperinci. File dokumen ini dapat diserahkan sebagai dokumen pendukung.

6. Unggah 3 foto yang menggambarkan project Anda. Jika project Anda non-fisik, maka Anda dapat mengirimkan tangkapan layar, logo, atau foto tim yang mengerjakan/yang mengerjakan project tersebut.

  • Format File: JPEG
  • Posisi: Landscape

7. Anda juga disarankan untuk mengunggah dokumen pendukung, seperti:

  • Project deck (profile) dalam bentuk pdf atau lainnya
  • Siaran pers, kliping berita, dll.
  • Testimoni dari klien/pengguna
  • Laporan, studi kasus, dll.
  • Video

8. Masukkan tiga pencapaian utama dari project Anda dalam satu baris. Kami menyarankan Anda untuk memasukkan angka atau info yang dapat diukur.

9. Jika ada, masukkan umpan balik atau testimoni dari klien. Anda dapat menuliskan nama, jabatan serta divisi, nama perusahaan klien/pelanggan Anda jika perlu. Hal ini bersifat opsional.

10. Pilih opsi paket pemenang Anda untuk memesannya ketika nanti Anda memenangkan penghargaan.

Centang Tombol Persetujuan jika Anda telah memahami dan menyetujui bahwa jika perusahaan Anda menang, Anda akan memesan paket pemenang yang telah Anda pilih.
11. Tekan tombol DAFTAR. Anda akan mendapatkan email konfirmasi nominasi setelah entri Anda kami proses.


- Setiap perusahaan hanya dapat mendaftarkan maksimum untuk tiga nominasi.

- Setiap formulir nominasi hanya berlaku untuk satu kali pengisian. Isi formulir Anda kembali  jika Anda ingin menominasikan untuk  kategori yang lain.

- Foto wajib disertakan sementara dokumen pendukung bersifat opsional namun akandapat  meningkatkan kesempatan untuk menang. 

- Pendaftaran nominasi gratis atau tidak dikenakan biaya. Jika perusahaan Anda berhasil menjadi pemenang, Anda wajib melanjutkan pemesanan opsi paket pemenang pilihan Anda.


Nominasi gratis/tidak dikenakan biaya.

Jika perusahaan Anda berhasil menjadi pemenang, Anda wajib melanjutkan pemesanan opsi paket pemenang pilihan Anda untuk memaksimalkan manfaat kemenangan Anda.

Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang harga dan hak pemenang, please email [email protected].

Past Winners

AECOM Global Business Services Philippines ROHQ

  • Philippines Employee Experience of the Year - Shared Services

Allianz PNB Life Insurance, Inc.

  • Philippines Employee Experience of the Year - Financial Services


  • Malaysia Customer Experience of the Year - Car Rentals

BDO Unibank, Inc.

  • Philippines Product Experience of the Year - Banking

Castrol Lubricants Middle East

  • United Arab Emirates Customer Experience of the Year - Oil & Gas

Brown-Forman China

  • China Brand Experience of the Year - Food & Beverage

Chubb Life Vietnam

  • Vietnam Brand Experience of the Year - Life Insurance


  • Vietnam Partner Experience of the Year - Banking

CIMB Bank Berhad, Singapore Branch

  • Singapore Digital Experience of the Year - Banking

CUCKOO International (MAL) Sdn Bhd

  • Malaysia Service Experience of the Year - Health Products & Services
  • Malaysia Product Experience of the Year - Beauty & Cosmetics

DXC Technology

  • Brunei Employee Experience of the Year - IT Services
  • Indonesia Employee Experience of the Year - IT Services

FrieslandCampina Vietnam

  • Vietnam Customer Experience of the Year - Food & Beverage

Globe Telecom

  • Philippines Employee Experience of the Year - Telecommunications

HSBC Philippines

  • Philippines Brand Experience of the Year - Banking
  • Philippines Employee Experience of the Year - Banking

Hwahsia Glass

  • Taiwan Digital Experience of the Year - Manufacturing

IBM Philippines

  • Philippines Employee Experience of the Year - Technology


  • Indonesia User Experience of the Year - Telecommunications
  • Indonesia Customer Experience of the Year - Telecommunications

J&T Express Singapore

  • Singapore Employee Experience of the Year - Logistics
  • Singapore Partner Experience of the Year - Logistics

KASIKORN Business-Technology Group

  • Thailand Employee Experience of the Year - Financial Technology

Krungthai Bank PLC

  • Thailand Employee Experience of the Year - Banking

Krungsri Auto (GO application by Krungsri Auto)

  • Thailand Digital Experience of the Year - Banking

Income Insurance Limited

  • Singapore Digital Experience of the Year - Financial Services


  • Singapore Employee Experience of the Year - Banking
  • Singapore Product Experience of the Year - Banking
  • Singapore User Experience of the Year - Banking

Palo Alto Networks

  • Singapore Customer Experience of the Year - Cybersecurity

Petroliam Nasional Berhad

  • Malaysia Digital Experience of the Year - Oil & Gas

Prudential Life Assurance Thailand

  • Thailand Service Experience of the Year - Life Insurance

PT Sodexo Indonesia

  • Indonesia Service Experience of the Year - Business Services

PT. AstraZeneca Indonesia

  • Indonesia Customer Experience of the Year - Pharmaceuticals

PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited

  • Thailand Brand Experience of the Year - Oil & Gas

Rakuten Trade Sdn Bhd

  • Malaysia Digital Experience of the Year - Brokerage

Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation

  • Philippines Digital Experience of the Year - Banking


  • Pakistan Digital Experience of the Year - Agriculture

Schneider Electric Vietnam

  • Vietnam Digital Experience of the Year - Energy

Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited

  • Thailand Customer Experience of the Year - Banking

Standard Chartered Bangladesh

  • Bangladesh Digital Experience of the Year - Banking

TAG Innovation

  • Pakistan Digital Experience of the Year - Financial Services

Talk2 Solutions Co., Ltd

  • Cambodia Service Experience of the Year - Business Services

Thanh Thanh Cong Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company (TTC Sugar)

  • Vietnam Customer Experience of the Year - Agriculture

Traphaco Joint Stock Company

  • Vietnam Customer Experience of the Year - Pharmaceuticals

United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd

  • Malaysia Customer Experience of the Year - Banking

Vista Land & Lifescapes, Inc.

  • Philippines Digital Experience of the Year - Real Estate

Watsons International

  • Hong Kong Customer Experience of the Year - Retail

Western Digital Tech and Regional Center (M) Sdn Bhd

  • Malaysia User Experience of the Year - Technology

Yanolja Cloud Pte. Ltd.

  • Singapore Digital Experience of the Year - Travel Services

Zurich Malaysia

  • Malaysia Brand Experience of the Year - Financial Services
  • Malaysia Customer Experience of the Year - Financial Services (Insurance)

AIA Singapore

  • Singapore Digital Experience of the Year - Financial Services


  • Singapore Brand Experience of the Year - Healthcare Technology

Allianz PNB Life Insurance, Inc.

  • Philippines Brand Experience of the Year - Life Insurance

AYA SOMPO Insurance

  • Myanmar Customer Experience of the Year - General Insurance

BC Card

  • South Korea User Experience of the Year - Payments


  • Singapore Employee Experience of the Year - Business Services

China Telecom Global

  • Customer Experience of the Year - Telecommunications

CIMB Bank Berhad, Singapore Branch

  • Singapore Customer Experience of the Year - Banking
  • Singapore Product Experience of the Year - Banking


  • Taiwan Digital Experience of the Year - Banking

DirectAsia Insurance Singapore

  • Singapore Distribution Experience of the Year - General Insurance

FairPrice Group

  • Singapore User Experience of the Year - Retail

HSBC Philippines

  • Philippines Brand Experience of the Year - Banking
  • Philippines Partner Experience of the Year - Banking


  • Australia Digital Experience of the Year - IT Services

Lazada Indonesia

  • Indonesia Digital Experience of the Year - E-Commerce
  • Indonesia Product Experience of the Year - E-Commerce

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  • Singapore Digital Experience of the Year - Education

NTUC Income Insurance Cooperative Limited

  • Singapore Digital Experience of the Year - Life Insurance
  • Singapore Product Experience of the Year - Life Insurance

OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

  • Malaysia Digital Experience of the Year - Banking

Progresif Sendirian Berhad

  • Brunei Employee Experience of the Year - Telecommunications

Prudential Laos

  • Laos Employee Experience of the Year - Life Insurance

SAP Customer Experience APJ

  • Singapore Brand Experience of the Year - Technology

Singlife with Aviva

  • Singapore Service Experience of the Year - Financial Services

Studio Messa

  • Australia Brand Experience of the Year - Dining & Entertainment

Sun Life Malaysia

  • Malaysia Customer Experience of the Year - Life Insurance


  • Malaysia Employee Experience of the Year - Data Center


  • Malaysia Customer Experience of the Year - Banking

United Overseas Bank

  • Singapore Employee Experience of the Year - Financial Services

UOB Malaysia

  • Malaysia Product Experience of the Year - Financial Services

Contact Us

For more details, contact:

Jane Patiag

+(65) 3158 1386 ext. 217

[email protected]

Berikut para Juri kami

Guillaume Sachet

Guillaume Sachet

Partner, Head, Customer Practice

Roger Loo

Roger Loo

Executive Director, Head of Management Consulting Services
BDO Singapore

Loretta Fong

Loretta Fong

Partner, Entrepreneurial Group of the Assurance Division
PwC Hong Kong

Indonesian - Asian Experience Awards Testimonials

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Chubb Life Vietnam

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Yanolja Cloud Pte. Ltd.

Asian Experience Awards 2022: Income Insurance Limited

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: OCBC Bank

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Krungsri Auto (GO application by Krungsri Auto)

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Talk2 Solutions Co., Ltd

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Brown-Forman China

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: J&T Express Singapore

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Allianz PNB Life Insurance, Inc.

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Zurich Malaysia

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Western Digital Tech and Regional Center (M) Sdn Bhd

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: KASIKORN Business-Technology Group

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: PT. AstraZeneca Indonesia

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Vista Land & Lifescapes, Inc.

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Petroliam Nasional Berhad

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: INDOSAT OOREDOO HUTCHISON (IM3 Brand)

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: AVIS MALAYSIA

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: HSBC Philippines

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: CIMB Bank Berhad, Singapore Branch

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: Globe Telecom

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: DXC Technology

Asian Experience Awards 2022 Winner: FrieslandCampina Vietnam

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: Allianz PNB Life

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: SAP Customer Experience APJ

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: Progresif Sendirian Berhad

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: TDCX

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: United Overseas Bank

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: Infosys

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: Align Technology

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: China Telecom Global

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: DirectAsia Insurance Singapore

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: BC Card

Asian Experience Awards 2021: Lazada Indonesia

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: NTUC Income

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: HSBC

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: UOB Malaysia

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: OCBC Malaysia

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: Prudential Laos

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: Certis

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: Singlife with Aviva

Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: CIMB Bank Berhad, Singapore Branch

indonesian - Asian Experience Awards 2021 Winner: NTUC Fairprice



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