Align Technology awarded for innovative virtual patient care app at Asian Experience Awards | Asian Business Review
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Align Technology awarded for innovative virtual patient care app at Asian Experience Awards

My Invisalign App – supporting patients in every step of their treatment journey to deliver beautiful smiles.

Align Technology is a global medical device company with a vision to bring clear aligner orthodontic treatment to the masses. The company pioneered the digital orthodontic market with the introduction of the Invisalign system 24 years ago and continues to innovate products and technologies to help doctors transform smiles and change the lives of their patients. 

With more than 11 million Invisalign smiles, Align is still revolutionizing the way we move teeth – transforming the practice of dentistry and how smiles are transformed with integrated digital workflows and virtual tools designed to improve clinical confidence, treatment efficiency, and patient outcomes and experience. The process starts by connecting to consumers through digital applications: a scan with iTero scanner, digital treatment planning, aligner production, treatment, and monitoring through virtual tools for quality of care.

Dentists and orthodontists who are Invisalign providers are now using virtual tools to optimize in-office appointments and deliver doctor-directed, personalized treatment that meets the needs of the moment – and will re-shape the future of treatment. 

Digital virtual tools include the Invisalign Virtual Care and Invisalign Virtual Appointment tools that were built into the My Invisalign App. These tools were both designed to further enable doctors to manage and continue a range of practice services to communicate and connect with their patients, as well as provide patients with a more seamless treatment process.

For these efforts, Align Technology was granted the “Singapore Brand Experience of the Year - Healthcare Technology” award in the recently concluded Asian Experience Awards. The awards recognize the ingenious initiatives of creative companies delivering meaningful brand experiences to their stakeholders in all industries in Asia.

The idea to build a collaborative platform between doctors and prospective Invisalign patients was developed during a hackathon. Using design thinking, a simple journey was developed: photos and videos are to be shared with doctors on a weekly or bi-weekly basis based on the aligner schedule, and the doctors shall review these and share their feedback from the portal.

The Invisalign Virtual Appointment tool is now available in 13 markets in Asia Pacific, with over 1,500 active doctors using the tool to provide patient access during the pandemic. The tool enables doctors to easily schedule and host HIPAA-compliant video appointments to discuss Invisalign treatment with patients.

Invisalign Virtual Care is available in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, India, Japan and Vietnam, and can be used for remote consultations, assessment of treatment progress, and communication for adjustments or concerns during the treatment journey.

During the monitoring stage, these tools provide doctors and patients with a seamless end-to-end digital experience. It starts with the iTero Scanner for capturing the patient’s digital imaging and data, followed by the use of ClinCheck that enables doctors to chart the treatment plan for patients.

Patients will then begin their treatment upon receiving their customized and digitally designed Invisalign clear aligners from their doctors.

Thereafter, the treatment progress of patients may be monitored remotely with Invisalign Virtual Care and Invisalign Virtual Appointment through My Invisalign App.

These tools help to deliver great outcomes and product performance that benefits both doctors and patients. The innovative technology also broadens the capability and efficacy of Invisalign treatment.

Feedback to date for these tools have been positive, as doctors adopted these tools to improve patient experiences and increase office efficiencies.

Having been at the forefront in the digital dentistry revolution since 1997, Align continues to drive innovation through advanced science and technology including biomechanics, software algorithms, 3D printing and proprietary polymers to create a digital solution to an old analogue problem – moving teeth. Digital has become the way Align transforms smiles and today, Invisalign treatment is the most advanced clear aligner system in the world.

Watch the interview below to know more about their winning project:

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