Love & Laugh Group secures Malaysia National Business Award for Education | Asian Business Review

Love & Laugh Group secures Malaysia National Business Award for Education

It is shifting away from traditional child development frameworks into a technology-driven ecosystem.

Despite the plethora of childcare centres and schools, child development is taken for granted given how the industry is unstructured and fragmented, particularly with institutions that cater to the formative years. Love & Laugh Group is taking steps to overcome this and revolutionise the child development industry by leveraging technology and sustainable development.

The firm is making waves as it transforms the market and establishes authority and expertise by assembling worldwide child development experts into one hub - the Love & Laugh Research Centre. With the guidance of these experts, the firm hopes to create a platform that can uplift existing child development channels such as childcare, home-based childcare and kindergarten with technological solutions like artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Love & Laugh revamped itself into a technology-based child development ecosystem in education, care and hospitality, as well as educational technology (EdTech) in 2021 to fill the gap in early childhood education. The firm’s child development framework targets three key development areas - physical, affective and cognitive - and integrates child pedagogy and a special parenting approach to developing children’s potential, amongst other practices.

The group is aiming to apply big data and machine learning to enable personalised child development across platforms, in line with its vision of generating impactful child development solutions, by 2025.

Within the group’s existing ecosystem is Love & Laugh International Islamic Childcare, which was established in 2018, and provides premium childcare facilities and modules for children between two months and four years old, as well as for their parents. To date, there are seven branches, with plans to open more across the country.

Meanwhile, Love & Laugh supports sustainable development goals by promoting good health and well-being, quality education, as well as gender equality. The group’s project Love & Laugh @ Home aims to boost economic growth by giving opportunities for women such as housewives and educators to generate income and become micro-entrepreneurs. 

“Love & Laugh believes in creating awareness at an early age whilst prioritising a healthy, safe and secure environment for children and women,” the group said.

Included in the ecosystem’s education pillar is Khalifah Didik, an individual & family services firm that shares Love & Laugh’s vision of developing a child’s potential to the next level. KD Toys, which produces and supplies modern teaching aids and educational toys, is also integrated into this framework.

For its efforts to transform the child development industry from traditional institutions into a technology-driven ecosystem, Love & Laugh Group won the Malaysia National Business Award for Education at the recently concluded 2022 Malaysia National Business Awards. Now in its second year, the awards programme lauds homegrown Malaysian companies across various industries with exceptional projects or innovative internal practices that boost Malaysia’s fast-growing economy.

Another project in development for the firm’s ecosystem is LOLA, which will focus on using EdTech to educate and cater to the needs of children outside traditional institutions. It also plans to set up a parent-child development centre in 2023.

Love & Laugh is aiming to expand into the region in the coming years, with plans to enter the Singapore, Brunei and Indonesian markets in the next two years. It is also looking to expand into the Middle East in 2030.

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