Bridging the gap between healthcare stakeholders through digitalisation | Asian Business Review
QuickMed’s HQMS with an RFID and GPS equipped e-bracelet – also known as the digital tracker, deployed at KLIA for international arrival travellers from high-risks countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bridging the gap between healthcare stakeholders through digitalisation

Edgenta NXT’s technology aims to improve accessibility and quality of healthcare for the public.

Edgenta NXT has been working on solutions to help the healthcare industry steadfastly adapt and improve efficiencies through the adoption of technology since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its digital healthcare solution, QuickMed, aims to improve accessibility and the quality of healthcare by bridging the gap between healthcare professionals and the public.

It has been focusing on building a platform to bring further accessibility and improved quality of care to Malaysians. 

To start, QuickMed has enabled patients to book and pay for their COVID-19 screening tests; allowing for a contactless experience during a patient’s visit to a healthcare facility where the patients’ COVID-19 results can then be shared via the platform. In the future, QuickMed will be releasing a comprehensive booking platform for clinics and medical providers in the Klang Valley.

They have launched several digital solutions under QuickMed since 2021, such as a clinical management system (QuickMed CMS), a COVID-19 screening booking platform (QuickMed C-19), and the Home Quarantine Management Solution (QuickMed HQMS), all of which have vastly contributed to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

QuickMed HQMS is a cloud-enabled COVID-19 management system that allows healthcare professionals to triage COVID-19 patients effectively whilst following up with home quarantined patients experiencing escalating symptoms through tele-consultation. The solution was first used by the country’s first Private COVID-19 Assessment Centre and deployed to several healthcare providers for triage management, and the running of Private Quarantine Centres in hotels.

Three months since its inception, and during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, QuickMed’s HQMS helped to manage the symptoms of over 7,000 patients. Subsequently, the solution has also allowed the private healthcare sector to assist the public healthcare system whilst maintaining consistency and accuracy in reporting to the Ministry of Health.

Moreover, QuickMed’s HQMS has also paved the way for new use cases. Through its integration of location tracking solutions, QuickMed HQMS was enhanced to manage the movements of international passengers who were designated for home quarantine. The solution was paired with an RFID and GPS equipped e-bracelet, also known as the digital tracker, to successfully track over 48,000 quarantined international passengers who entered Malaysia.

Its successful contributions to COVID-19 management through the utilisation of technology, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of the solutions, has gained Edgenta NXT the recognition of the Malaysia Technology Excellence Awards 2022 for the Digital - Clinic Management at the recently concluded awards programme.

“With a strong base to build upon, we are planning to release more features and promoting better interoperability with other healthcare solutions with the goal of using technology to empower patients to better store their medical data and have better access to healthcare services. QuickMed’s convenient clinical management system also assists healthcare professionals to be digitally equipped with various ways to engage patients and provide an overall better quality of care,” said the Director of Edgenta NXT, Chua Yong Howe. 

The prestigious awards programme recognises exceptional companies who are riding the disruption wave and are leading the technological revolution and digital journeys of their respective industries to boost Malaysia’s fast-growing economy.

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