MMC Gamuda 3d Laser Scan-Bim Method Wins In The Malaysia Technology Excellence Awards 2022 | Asian Business Review
Members of the MMC Gamuda BIM and Survey teams are pictured with the MTEA 2022 award. (L-R) Disalini A/P Vijayandran -  BIM Modeller, Chong Edam - Survey Manager, Anazari - Survey Manager, Tan Wei Hong -  Sr. Engineer, Pua Boon Hin  Head of Survey, Tony Joseph - Head of Department BIM/GIS, Mohammad Azim- BIM Modeller, Ahmad Zaifliqhar - Coordinator, Zirman Nashir -  BIM Coordinator, Mohd Roslan - Sr. Survey Manager.

MMC Gamuda 3d Laser Scan-Bim Method Wins In The Malaysia Technology Excellence Awards 2022

Revolutionising construction checking through 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Building Information Modelling (the BIM-TLS method).

MMC Gamuda KVMRT (T) Sdn Bhd (MGKT), one of Malaysia’s most illustrious engineering and construction outfits, clinched the award for Information Management - Heavy Civil Construction in the Malaysia Technology Excellence Awards (MTEA) 2022. Incidentally, Gamuda Digital Industrial Building System (IBS) also swept two awards under the Digital Engineering and Digital Industrial Construction categories.

The MTEA awards recognise exceptional companies in technological revolution to boost Malaysia’s economy.

Backed by an outstanding track record of delivering large-scale projects, MGKT is the Underground works package contractor for Malaysia’s MRT Putrajaya Line project, with 13.5km twin bored tunnels and 18 sites consisting of underground stations and ancillary structures. In delivering the mega infrastructure project, they developed a novel solution to validate construction works accurately and remotely by automating key workflow, incorporating data analytics, and 3D virtualisation. 

A first in Southeast Asia, MGKT adopted a holistic strategy combining both Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Building Information Modelling technologies.  A marriage between interdisciplinary fields, the method led to a significant reduction in the legwork, human error, and safety concerns by unlocking the three-dimensional visualisation of project information which was previously unattainable.  

Overlaying laser scan data on the Project’s BIM design models, users could ‘virtually’ cross-check construction without having to physically go to a site. The developed solution proved a crucial lifeline to the project's success, enabling construction checking, validations, and reporting to go on effectively throughout the pandemic. In stark contrast to conventional methods of checking 2D drawings or in-person site inspections, the single source of truth approach of visualising project information in 3D resulted in enhanced multi-stakeholders communications whilst yielding valuable and actionable insights. 

Surveyors conducting 3D laser scanning of complex Mechanical, Electrical and Plantroom (MEP) works at one of the work sites. 

Another added advantage is how the method has improved the planning and coordination of complex work disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, and plant room installation. For example, an escalator opening can be visualised at the factory prior to transport or assembly, thus facilitating logistical, safety and work sequence planning.

The success of the BIM-TLS method is underpinned by high accuracy data acquisition and high-quality BIM design models. To achieve such consistency across the mega project, hundreds of staff were trained and upskilled to master the various techniques and tools. It is also notable that the project’s BIM implementation is ISO 19650-2 or BSI (British Standard Institution) Kitemark™ certificate for Design, Construction and Commissioning (previously BIM Level 2) certified by the British Research Establishment, which was achieved through international practice for the creation, collaboration, and management of asset information making sure that built environment projects are delivered on time, within budget and to standard.

The method was further expanded to automate the scan data analysis and checking itself. Ensuring a seamless flow of data transfer from various sites to virtually anywhere, the team established a system to log all survey validation reports on the project’s Cloud-based common data environment to allow multi-party remote access. 

Having delivered an efficient solution to virtually verify post-construction works, the in-house team is now keen to expand the potential of the solution with image recognition or AI to further boost project performance and synergies. Committed to transforming rail construction with digital solutions, MMC Gamuda envisions that the BIM-TLS method will be a turning point for many of the industry’s age-old problems, such as an overreliance on manual labour and low project visualisations. 

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