Telkom transcends internet service providing | Asian Business Review
, Indonesia

Telkom transcends internet service providing

It tries to build a digital content ecosystem through its IndiHome business line.

When the number of internet users in Indonesia grew to 210 million in June 2022, the competition amongst providers was taken to a higher level. Internet providers had to step up and offer something new. For Telkom Indonesia’s IndiHome, their efforts led to collaborations with over-the-top (OTT) platforms like Netflix and HBOGO to build a complete digital content ecosystem.

Referring to Kantar's research conducted by The Trade Desk in June 2021, Indonesians stream nearly three billion hours of OTT content per month, which makes Indonesia the country that watches the most OTT in Southeast Asia. 

"Considering that, this collaboration step is clearly a very profitable collaboration, both for IndiHome and the OTT platforms," said E. Kurniawan, Vice President of Marketing Management of PT Telkom Indonesia.

Aside from Netflix and HBOGO, Telkom Indonesia’s partners include Disney+, Vision+, Catchplay, WeTV, Iflix, Vidio, Mola, Lionsgate Play, and VIU. “In addition, IndiHome is also collaborating with WeTV and Vidio to meet the needs of customers who like local content or series," Iwan said.

“It is impossible for us to do everything ourselves, from the people side to technology. We must find partners who can provide the best value. The challenge is how to get collaboration that is mutual benefit. This means, not only providing the best benefits for us, as a corporation, but also for customers," he added. 

Windows of entertainment

This collaboration activity will certainly be evaluated periodically, whilst still prioritising customer satisfaction. In addition, Iwan said, Indihome will continue to strive to improve a number of innovations.

“From time to time, we continue to evaluate who we can collaborate with. With the vision of making windows of entertainment, all of our collaborating OTT services will be displayed on the IndiHome TV screen for easy enjoyment," Iwan said.

Each OTT presented at IndiHome adapts to different customer needs. "With the window of entertainment concept, IndiHome is the only ISP that is able to provide a variety of interesting content that can be enjoyed by the people of Indonesia on just one screen," said Iwan.

The impact of this collaboration in terms of business is the creation of the IndiHome brand enhancement. Iwan revealed that customer loyalty has increased because IndiHome is able to offer a comprehensive selection of digital content. Next, strengthen brand awareness from OTT to IndiHome's customer base in various regions.

Meanwhile, the social impact that also needs to be highlighted from this collaboration is the embodiment of inclusiveness in internet services and digital content in Indonesia. "Because with this collaboration, exclusive, interesting, and educational content can be enjoyed by all people throughout Indonesia with the IndiHome network," Iwan said.

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