What are the top 10 in-demand tech jobs in 2023? | Asian Business Review
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What are the top 10 in-demand tech jobs in 2023?

The most sought-after professionals aren’t necessarily those with hard skills related to technology.

The increasing importance of digital infrastructure has intensified the need for tech professionals across all types of organisations. 

HR and recruitment expert, Hays, said organisations will likely look for individuals who can perform the following roles:

1. Business Analyst

According to Hays, this will be the most in-demand tech job in 2023. 

“Companies need people to gather requirements and spot trends. Even if job seekers don’t have formal qualifications, organisations are hiring with experience in delivering this,” Hays said.

2. Project Manager

Project managers remain popular amongst organisations rolling out their digital transformation. Hays said jobseekers wishing to bag and excel in such a role must be “a strong leader with good communication skills.”

3. .NET Developer

Jobseekers who wish to apply for the role must be able to code for apps and other software with languages such as C# or VB.NET.

“This role focuses on programming for Microsoft Windows,” Hays added. 

4. Data Analyst

What a data analyst does is take the information provided by engineers to solve problems and help deliver insights. 

“Those with experience and qualifications are popular among employers, but there are learning opportunities available as demand outweighs supply,” Hays said.

5. Java Developer

Hays said those proficient in Java will have a range of opportunities in 2023, whether it’s at a start-up or a multinational company, given that it is amongst the core programming languages used by software engineers.

6. Software Engineer

Software engineers are responsible for designing and creating a range of systems and applications for organisations.

7. Data Engineer

The role of a data engineer entails building systems to compile data and provide analytics to the right people in the business.

8. DevOps Engineer

DevOps Engineers work with developers and operations in building and deploying new releases.

9. Scrum Master

Scrum Masters must be able to identify the team’s needs and communicate effectively to facilitate wider success. 

10. Change Manager

These individuals oversee project methodology mostly related to digital transformation. They need to possess strong communication skills and a track record of delivering change.

In general, Hays said the most sought-after jobs “aren’t necessarily those with hard skills related to technology knowledge, but those that can oversee projects and provide insights.”

“Organisations need people who will take responsibility for running projects and working closely with all those involved. While other jobs in our top ten list require hard skills, these roles revolve around soft skills and seeing the bigger picture of the overall strategy,” James Milligan, Hays Global Head of Technology Solutions, commented.

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